Potenca Male Enhancement greatest effective male enhancement pill

Folate (Folic Acid), Zinc (as oxide), Boron (as Chelate)-these things all sound impressive unless you know they're really just ingredients in a standard multivitamin. That's right, a large percentage of the "active ingredients" in male enhancement pills are actually the same thing you'd get in a chewable Flintstones™. So why are you paying such a premium for these enhancement pills again?
I've saved the best and dirtiest trick for last. Once you know and understand this trick you'll never look at a bottle of enhancement pills the same way again. Ready for it?
#3: Using A Blend or "Proprietary Blend": "Blend" is a word that any self-respecting scotch drinker will recognize right away. But as gentleman who enjoy good scotch will tell you, the problem with a blend is that it always contains a mix of both superior and inferior liquor. And because the two are blended together, you never know how much of the good stuff you're getting. That's why "single malt" is so highly prized...there's no filler.
In the male enhancement business, Tribulus Terrestris and Ginseng are the 2 most common "inferior ingredients" that get blended into the pills. Keep in mind that when I say inferior, I don't mean there's anything specifically wrong with these 2 ingredients. What I mean by "inferior" is that these ingredients are extremely inexpensive relatively speaking. You could go online and buy a case of Tribulus Terrestris or Ginseng for the price of a single bottle of your typical male enhancement pills. Yet when you buy male enhancement products, in many cases you are unwittingly purchasing pills that are mostly made from these 2 filler ingredients.
How do the pill sellers get away with it? The trick is that they don't list their ingredients out separately by weight. Instead they just tell you the total weight of the blend. And with that limited information, you have no way of knowing how much of the expensive stuff (like Icariin) is actually in the blend (but you can probably bet it's not much).
There are many different ways and products out there that claim to enhance your manhood. Some are true male enhancement techniques that can work, but there are also many penis enlargement scams out there that at best do not deliver any results what so ever and in the worst case could cause you permanent damage instead of permanent enlargement.